10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using CypressAs a seasoned Cypress user, I’ve observed recurring patterns of errors among many engineers over the years. So, this article aims to shed…Jan 19, 2024Jan 19, 2024
Manage your Cypress tests along with manual ones with Testomat.io like a proQuck summary: Here is my story in 4 parts about Cypress, Cucumber, Testomat.io, and me or How I discovered the marvel of test case…May 16, 20221May 16, 20221
API testing with Playwright & odottaaQuick summary: I’m pretty sure that you have heard that Playwright is a great tool for End-to-End and UI integration tests. But, have you…Apr 11, 20221Apr 11, 20221
Cypress: How to verify that file is downloaded with cy-verify-downloadsIn this article I’ll show how you can verify that file is downloaded with Cypress.Aug 10, 202110Aug 10, 202110
Allure Report Integration with PlaywrightAs you all may know, Playwright team has just released 1.13.0 version, with new Reporter API for Playwright Test runner. Moreover, which…Jul 29, 20212Jul 29, 20212
Expect more with playwright-expectFolks! I’m thrilled to announce you my brand new assertion library playwright-expect. It intended for use with test runners such as Jest…Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Getting started with Playwright and Playwright Test runnerAs you may have heard, Playwright team has just introduced Playwright Test runner in v1.12.0 version. It’s brand new test runner built from…Jun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021